Party Walls And The Story Of Pyramus & Thisbe

Do you know... a neighbour cannot stop someone exercising their rights, but can influence how and when work is done. An Act of Parliament says that a building owner must not cause unnecessary inconvenience and may be liable to provide compensation for any damage caused to a party wall. Paul Tombleson is an expert on Party Wall matters and operates throughout the Southern Counties, in Dorset, Hampshire, Sussex and the Isle of Wight. The New Forest, Southampton and Portsmouth are all within a 35 mile radius of his office. He is a member of the Pyramus & Thisbe Club which exists to keep surveyors up to date with Party Wall matters.

The story of Pyramus & Thisbe (dating from 1
st Century AD) tells of star-crossed lovers who have a clandestine affair which is forbidden by their parents. They conduct the affair by secret conversations through a crack in the party wall between their homes. The lovers plan to elope and arrange a secret meeting. A lioness, blooded by a recent kill disturbs Thisbe, who arrives first at the meeting place: she runs and hides, losing her shawl. Pyramus then arrives, sees the lioness and the shawl and assumes Thisbe is dead. He blames himself for causing her death and kills himself on his own sword. Thisbe then emerges from her hiding place, sees her dead lover and decides to leave this earth by way of the same sword.

For a happier conclusion to Party Wall stories, please talk to us! If you are in any doubt that the works you propose may require specific action under the Party Wall etc., Act 1996 (or are concerned about works on an adjoining property) we are pleased to offer initial consultation without charge.